Biotin: Men, Meet Your New Hair Loss Savior
All hail the King! King Biotin that is. Listen up fellas, there's a lot you need to know about this magical hair growth vitamin called Biotin. If you've been freaking out lately due to hair loss at an early age, this may be your saving grace. Don't worry we won't bore you with lab tests and sciency talk, we'll give you the straight up facts bro.
What's Biotin?
Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin that's in the vitamin B group, it's also known as B7. These vitamins play a huge part in maintaining healthy nerve, metabolic, digestive, and cardiovascular functions. Basically, it helps the foods you eat turn into energy while also providing healthy, faster hair growth (along with nail & skin health too). Triple threat.
If you don't have enough Biotin in your body, your hair is likely too thin and weak. When your hair is this unhealthy, it's much more fragile, which means it's a lot more likely to fall out. This is obviously what we want to avoid!
Reduces Hair Loss
Biotin literally has the power to reduce hair loss and promote existing hair growth. You heard correctly, by taking biotin, you can change the course of your hair loss immediately! You'll have thicker, healthier looking natural hair in no time at all.
We're going to say it one more time guys, taking biotin can reverse and reduce hair loss!
Promotes Hair Growth
If you don't believe us just yet, stay tuned. Some science talk is coming up, but we won't make it too painful. Sometimes you just need to hear the cold hard facts.
Your hair is made of keratin, which is a protein. When you take biotin it reacts with cells and produces amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein (what your hair is made of). Strings of these amino acids are what makes up a protein. This is how biotin promotes hair growth. Biotin dives in head first to deliver your cells the level of protein it craves to grow and grow. The healthier the keratin in your strands are, the healthier your (soon to be) full head of hair will be.
Treats Hair Disorders
So get this, biotin has been used to treat alopecia in both kids and adults. Alopecia is a type of hair loss where the immune system attacks the hair follicles, causing them to stop growing. Male Pattern baldness is a common type of alopecia found in men. Biotin has been proven to help combat this disorder. If it has the power to do that, it can certainly help you out. Pretty rad stuff.
Are There Foods That Have Biotin?
Yes, there are many healthy foods that have biotin in them. However, there is a very small amount in each. It's best to get your biotin in the form of a supplement, like Little Pals.
- Cauliflower, liver, salmon, carrots, bananas, eggs, nuts, chicken
Little Pals is Loaded With Biotin
Packs a Powerful Punch.
Hair loss sucks, but these pills are your new saving grace. Simply take two pills after breakfast every morning. After just a few weeks of popping these little suckers, you can begin to enjoy fuller and healthier hair!
Not only are you getting insane biotin benefits, you'll also be getting other essential vitamins and nutrients to make sure your hair is getting the best treatment possible. They're the perfect mix of ingredients featuring DHT blockers that will stop this hereditary hair loss hormone in its tracks. Other high-quality ingredients include folate, Ginkgo Biloba, Saw Palmetto Extract, Nettle Leaf, Iodine, and Zinc. Rest assured that what you're putting into your body is safe, effective, and healthy.
joebloe has all of your hair loss needs covered. We've been where you are and understand how fuc*ing annoying early onset hair loss can be. Our clinically proven products can help reverse hair loss and promote healthy new growth. Our products are straight to the point, simple, easy to use, and they actually work.
The views expressed in this article intend to highlight alternative studies and induce conversation. They are the views of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of joebloe, and are for informational purposes only, even if and to the extent that this article features the advice of physicians and medical practitioners. This article is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.
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